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I think the creation of the new Pension Fund is a huge reform. The government says that workers earning up to 16,000 pesos in their last year will collect 100%.

Amafore just transferred 24.2 billion pesos to the new fund, apparently from inactive accounts owned by people who are 70. (https://www.jornada.com.mx/noticia/2024/07/01/economia/concluye-amafore-traspaso-de-24-2-mil-mdp-al-fondo-de-pensiones-2636) It sounds as if these are fictitious, which makes sense when you consider how evil and corrupt the Mexican government was in 1997 when the corporation was set up. What's the expression, airplane jobs? Where people only show up on payday?

This article explains the new Pension Fund pretty well. https://politica.expansion.mx/presidencia/2024/04/12/fondo-de-pensiones-estara-en-mayo-para-primeros-jubilados-del-97-preve-amlo

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